
Showing posts from May, 2020


Paraparesis of the lower limbs. Hello all, I am P.Vihar (Roll no 127) a student of 8th semester pursuing medicine at KIMS Narketpalli. Today I share, in this blog  my views and thoughts on a case   which our department of general medicine has shared, to help us achieve better understanding of the clinical cases. The link given below, is to the entire case details :- MY VIEWS AND THOUGHTS ON THIS CASE. Here we see a 23 year old male patient with history of a sudden fall when he tried to get up to use the bathroom. Patient came to the hospital in this regard complaining of weakness in both lower limbs. After going through his history i have some questions in mind which i will write down below:- 1) His chief complaint was tingling and numbness in both lower limbs since 5 days. This makes me think of paresthesia in his legs, but when we talk about paresthesia there are many causes like herniated disc, tumor in the sp...


ANALYSING CLINICAL DATA FROM A CASE P.VIHAR REDDY. ROLL NO-127 (8th SEMESTER) From this case I attempt to understand the process of "patient clinical data analysis" to better myself in understanding clinical data. The clinical case I'm looking into is of a 42 year old female patient suffering from multiple health issues. After looking into the case details I've come to the conclusion that the patient is suffering with the following issues:- There seems to be an issue with her motor functioning limited to her left side. Her continuous migraine headaches. Why does such drastic swelling happen to her. (she said she could be slim in the morning and swell up by afternoon) Why is she sleepless, is it related to her other ailments? Does her being diagnosed with PCOS have any relation with her other symptoms? Issue of her motor functioning lateralised to the left. This seems to suggest a lesion in the right s...