
Showing posts from February, 2022

36 yr old with ? migraine with aura

 36 year old female came to OPD with chief complaints of:-  inability to perceive sensations of pain and temperature all over her body since 6 months. History of presenting illness:- 1 month back when she was holding a candle, she couldn't feel how hot it was, while cooking she is unable to feel the hot utensils. 3 days back she had improved sensation after medication (PREGABALIN) She has history of giddiness (non rotational), complaints of off balance associated with blurring of vision, headache (right temporal region dragging type), aura +, photophobia + No h/o seizures, disorientation, speech disturbances No h/o nausea, vomiting, lacrimation or syncopal attacks Past history:- Patient was born in 1986, her paediatric history is unremarkable. Her obstetric history involves 3 surgeries in the years 2008, 2012 and 2015 and  One episode of amenorrhea in 2018. In 2008 she had her first  LSCS , and was diagnosed with  eclampsia , there was 1 episode of seizures during labor, otherwise

39 yr male with CKD

A 39 year old male patient is on maintainance haemodialysis since 2 years. HOPI:  patient was apparently asymtomatic 2 years back and then developed shortness of breath (on and off), pedal oedema (pitting type), pain abdomen, squeezing type, headache and dizziness. Later diagnosed as chronic renal failure and underwent dialysis twice weekly Last year a few times he underwent dialysis thrice weekly. Presently he is undergoing dialysis twice weekly. PAST HISTORY:  k/c/o HTN since 3 years. Not a K/C/O of DM, thyroid disorders, TB PERSONAL HISTORY:  He follows a mixed diet. Appetite -Normal, Bladder movements-normal Bowel movements-normal since few weeks. Sleep- decreased. consumes alcohol occasionally and stopped 2 years back. FAMILY HISTORY:  No significant family history . DRUG HISTORY:  No known drug allegies and patient uses amlodipine 5mg,arkamin clonidine 100mcg,metxl 25mg. General examination :  patient is conscious ,coherrent, co operative and well oriented to his surroundings. h